YouTube Introduces New Policy To Remove AI-Generated Content

NEW YORK: YouTube has implemented a new policy aimed at addressing concerns related to synthetic content that mimics individuals’ faces or voices, allowing affected parties to request its removal based on privacy violations rather than deceptive practices or deepfake concerns.

According to updated Help documentation from YouTube, individuals now have the option to request the removal of AI-generated content that compromises their privacy. This policy applies specifically to situations where the content features synthetic or AI-generated representations of individuals without their consent.

Under the outlined process, complainants must submit first-party claims, except in cases involving minors, individuals without computer access, deceased persons, or other specified exceptions. However, the submission of a takedown request does not guarantee automatic removal. YouTube will evaluate each complaint based on several criteria, including whether the content is identified as synthetic or AI-generated, its potential to uniquely identify a person, and its context such as parody, satire, or public interest.

The platform will also consider whether the AI-generated content involves public figures or well-known persons and whether it shows sensitive activities like criminal behavior, violence, or endorsements of products or political figures.

Upon receiving a complaint, YouTube will notify the uploader, who will have 48 hours to respond to the request. If the content is removed within this period, the complaint process is concluded. If not, YouTube will proceed with a detailed review of the situation.

YouTube emphasized that removal requests entail complete deletion of the video from the platform.

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YouTube Introduces New Policy To Remove AI-Generated Content

NEW YORK: YouTube has imple… – BLOGGER – WP1, AIgenerated, content, Introduces, Policy, remove, YouTube