Carnie’s Comments – Facebook Friday –


Carnie’s Comments


It’s time for Facebook Friday! I find the best of the week just for you.

This guy shares, “I often wonder what people have against the horse I rode in on.”

I like this, “We used to have village idiots but with the internet, they’ve gone global.”

This friend says, “I just overhead a two-year-old refer to her jacket pockets as ‘snack holes’ and that is what I shall forevermore call them.”

Here’s some advice just in time for the weekend, “Dance like people wish they weren’t watching.”

This clever fella shares, “Thanks for teaching me the meaning of plethora. It means a lot.”

One of my favourites on Facebook says, “Just because I like to walk around in my underwear eating Doritos doesn’t make me strange. Everybody in aisle 4 just needs to stop staring.”

And we’ll finish with some dating advice from a female friend who shares, “Ladies, if he smells like fabric softener he is in a relationship.”






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Carnie’s Comments – Facebook Friday –


Carnie’s Comments

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