YouTube Lets Users Flag AI Videos That Look & Sound Like Them

Who Can Report a Privacy Violation?

It’s worth noting that, except in specified circumstances, only ‘first-party’ claims can be made. You can’t raise a complaint on behalf of somebody else who has had their likeness exploited.

The exhaustive list of exceptions include claims made on behalf of children, vulnerable adults, the deceased, somebody without access to the internet, and where the claim is made by a legal representative.

The offended party must also be able to show that they are uniquely identifiable in the video.

“To be considered uniquely identifiable, there must be enough information in the video that allows others to recognize you. Note that just because you can identify yourself within the video, it does not mean you’re uniquely identifiable to others. A first name without additional context or a fleeting image, for example, would not likely qualify as uniquely identifiable.” – YouTube Privacy Guidelines

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YouTube Lets Users Flag AI Videos That Look & Sound Like Them #YouTube #Lets #Users #Flag #Videos #Sound

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YouTube Lets Users Flag AI Videos That Look & Sound Like Them

Who Can Report a Privacy Violation?It’s… – BLOGGER – WP1, Flag, lets, Sound, users, videos, YouTube