YouTube has an updated tool called “Erase Song” that music rightsholders will want to know about.

If you’re a YouTube creator, you know how risky it is to put up copyrighted music with your video. There’s an excellent chance that you will be sniffed out for infringement and have your video taken down. On the other side of the ledger, music rightsholders hate it when people use their stuff without permission and compensation.

This is where Erase Song comes in. It’s been around for a while, but it’s now been updated. It can strip out copyrighted audio from a video without touching any of the other audio. The new version, which will be available in the next couple of weeks, is supposed to be much, much better than the original.

Here’s YouTune to explain it.

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YouTube has an updated tool called “Erase Song” that music rightsholders will want to know about. #YouTube #updated #tool #called #Erase #Song #music #rightsholders

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YouTube has an updated tool called “Erase Song” that music rightsholders will want to know about.

If you’re a YouTube creator, you know ho… – BLOGGER – WP1, Called, Erase, music, rightsholders, Song, tool, Updated, YouTube