Factchecking Project 2025 on Facebook

The democratic toxic waste pit that is Project 2025 may be getting some help from Facebook.

I don’t use that social media site (actually, I don’t use any), but my wife does. And she forwarded me something that was posted. I have no way to fact-check it, but thought it would be of interest.

Heads up everyone! Facebook is using a Conservative magazine as the blanket “fact check” on the Project 2025 posts. Their algorithm is taking “Project 2025” as the keyword for nuking posts in opposition. I got 16 notifications of my posts being fact checked by ‘The Dispatch’ which is an American conservative subscription-based online magazine founded by Jonah Goldberg, Stephen F. Hayes, and Toby Stock. Several of The Dispatch’s staff (including Hayes) are alumni of The Weekly Standard, which is now defunct. In short, right wing operatives are deciding what’s factual about Project 2025, even though their donors and funders are the same billionaires behind Project 2025.

Indeed, who factchecks the factcheckers?

Can this be confirmed by others? Does anyone who uses FB want to test this out?

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Factchecking Project 2025 on Facebook #Factchecking #Project #Facebook

Source link Google News

Source Link: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2024/7/11/2253282/-Factchecking-Project-2025-on-Facebook

Factchecking Project 2025 on Facebook

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