YouTube in talks to license music in order to train AI tools

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has complicated the role of artists and blurred the lines between licensing and creative use across many platforms. YouTube is looking to deliver its own AI platform and is hoping to work directly with major record labels to secure the rights to artists’ music.

The rise of AI has certainly represented a massive shift in the music industry in recent months. As tools such as ChatGPT, Suno AI, and more continue to expand their ability to recreate images, music, and human voices, the ability to protect intellectual property and art has been a growing battle. With the Pandora box of AI officially opened, artists and rights owners are scrambling to find ways to protect their content. Of course, the excitement and ability of users around the globe to access these tools feel like an exciting opportunity to expand their creations. In hopes of striking a balance between access to these tools and the desire for artists to get paid for their likenesses and creations, some organizations are looking to negotiate rights usage.

With the teams behind AI tools recognizing the litigious environment created, they are now looking to work directly with organizations to gain the rights to their content. The latest company looking to do so is YouTube, the popular video platform, which is in talks with Sony Music Group, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group in hopes of gaining the rights to their extensive catalogs. According to sources familiar with the deal, the Financial Times revealed that “YouTube wants to offer cash upfront in lump-sum payments to gain the rights to specific artists’ music – with the permission of the artists themselves.” While both Universal and Warner entered into a deal to develop AI tools with YouTube, Sony chose to opt out of the conversations.

With artists and industry insiders still divided and uncertain about AI in entertainment, this move by YouTube will certainly spark more conversations and debate throughout.

Tags: YouTube, Artificial Intelligence, AI, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Group, Universal Music Group, licensing

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YouTube in talks to license music in order to train AI tools #YouTube #talks #license #music #order #train #tools

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YouTube in talks to license music in order to train AI tools

The rise of artificial intelligence (A… – BLOGGER – WP1, License, music, order, talks, Tools, Train, YouTube