YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics and Facts (2024)



YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics: YouTube is one of the most popular entertainment and income sources around the world. Since the pandemic, more people have moved to YouTube and started their earning journeys. They have built their army, which has attracted the attention of many brands. New Bees brands usually partner with YouTube channel owners to advertise their products or services in exchange for money, which increases the company’s overall sales and brand awareness.

Unlike traditional marketing strategies, the majority of companies now include YouTube in their marketing campaign strategies to reach markets. YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics guide on how YouTube channel owners and brand advertisers are running marketing campaigns.

Editor’s Choice

  • As of 2023, Facebook and YouTube ranked equally for best ROI influencer marketing campaigns.
  • YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics show that influencers who have 500,000 to 1 million subscribers charge around $6,700 per video.
  • For every 1000 views, an advertiser pays around $20 on YouTube, which is the highest compared to other social media platforms. This results in TikTok and IG Stories at $15 and Instagram reels at $10.
  • As of 2022 and 2023, the influencer marketing platform market size was $15.2 and $17.4 billion, which is estimated to increase up to $19.8 billion in 2024 and $22.2 by 2025.
  • 70% of teenage subscribers prefer YouTube influencers over traditional celebrities.
  • The global engagement rate on the YouTube platform for a channel with subscribers between 100,000 to 1,000,000 is higher contributing 3.47% as compared to channels with a subscriber count of 1,000,000+ resulting in 3.4%.
  • 72% of marketing professionals believe that YouTube influencers play a major role in increasing purchases.
  • As of January 2024, India has 462 million YouTube audiences, the leading country in the world.
  • 70% of watch time on YouTube is generated through mobile devices.

General YouTube Statistics

  • According to YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics, users are 3 times more likely to watch tutorials than read manuals.
  • 79% of marketers are satisfied with YouTube advertisements.
  • Compared to TV ads, mobile YouTube ads are 84% times more likely to generate prospective buyers.
  • 62% of marketers are planning to increase video ad spending on YouTube.

By number of YouTube Users by Gender



As of January 2024, on the platform, more male users contributed 54.4%, compared to female users, who contributed 45.6%.

By YouTube Penetration in Selected Countries



The global average rate of YouTube penetration is 37.7%. Moreover, countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, and Norway have a more than 90% penetration rate as of January 2024. On the other hand, the lowest rate is observed in countries such as India, Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria.

Leading Product Categories, Influencers Made Consumer Purchases



In the USA in 2023, the majority of the consumers who purchased products influenced by various influencers were merchandise such as shirts, jackets, toy collectible t-shirts, etc contributing 30.9%.

Share of Influencers Who Work With Brands For Free Products



General YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics

  • 50% of internet users prefer to see a video of the product or service before purchasing it.
  • By 2025, the global influencer market value is expected to reach $22.2 billion.
  • YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics show that influencers who have 500,000 to 1 million subscribers charge around $6,700 per video.
  • 70% of teenage subscribers prefer YouTube influencers over traditional celebrities.
  • 70% of watch time on YouTube is generated through mobile devices.
  • 54% of consumers prefer more videos from their favourite influencers or brands.
  • 72% of marketing professionals believe that YouTube influencers play a major role in increasing purchases.
  • 81% of brands prefer to use YouTube for their influencer marketing campaigns.
  • As of 2023, Facebook and YouTube ranked equally for best ROI influencer marketing campaigns.
  • According to YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics 2023, YouTube has the highest engagement rate in terms of videos.
  • 70% of the users have proceeded with a purchase after seeing the ad on YouTube.
  • Giveaways and contests, reviews, tutorials, day-in-the-life vlogs, hauls, and unboxing videos are popular influencer marketing campaigns.
  • YouTube’s top creators earn $23 to $45 a minute.
  • 90% of internet users are discovered with unknown brands through YouTube.
  • 4 out of 10 millennial subscribers said their favourite YouTube creators understand them better than their friends.
  • YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics further state that the rate of video performance created by YouTubers is higher than that of celebrity videos.
  • Moreover, 6 out of 10 users will purchase from a brand recommended by a YouTube influencer as compared to their favourite celebrity.
  • According to 80% of marketers, measuring the success rate of a YouTube influencer marketing campaign is challenging.
  • On average, a YouTube influencer is between 20 and 30 years old.

By an Average Cost-Per Mile on Social Media


For every 1000 views, an advertiser pays around $20 on YouTube which is the highest as compared to other social media platforms resulting in TikTok and IG Stories at $15 and Instagram reels at $10.

Influencer Advertising Market by Regions


  • Ad spending in the worldwide influencer advertising market is estimated to be valued at $35.09 billion in 2024.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, global ad spending is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.36%, reaching $52.05 billion by the projected year.
  • In global comparison, the majority of the ad spending is projected to be generated in China, which will contribute $19,160 million in 2024.


  • In 2024, Asian Ad spending in influencer advertising is estimated to amount to $22.24 billion.
  • Between 2024 and 2028, ad spending is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.83%, reaching $33.56 billion.
  • Furthermore, the average ad spending for every internet user in a similar segment is estimated to be $5.75 in 2024.


  • Between 2024 and 2029, African influencer advertising spending is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.02%, reaching $267.50 million by the projected year.
  • In the current year, it is valued at $182.60 million.
  • The average ad spend per user on the internet is projected to amount to $0.25 in 2024.

Australia and Oceania

  • Australia and Oceania ad spending in a similar segment is projected to be valued at $572.50 million in the current year.
  • Ad spending is expected to grow at a CAGR of 11.09% between 2024 and 2028, reaching $871.80 million.
  • The average ad spend per user on the internet is estimated to be $14.82 in 2024.


  • In the USA, ad spending in a similar segment in 2024 is projected to amount to $7.32 billion.
  • Furthermore, between 2024 and 2028, ad spending is projected to grow at a CAGR of 9.93%, reaching $10.69 billion by 2028.
  • The per internet user ad spending average is projected to amount to $8.30 in 2024.


  • The average ad spending per internet user in the European market by a similar segment is projected at $6.40 in 2024.
  • Currently, the ad spending in the European influencer advertising market is estimated to reach $4.78 billion.
  • Moreover, between 2024 and 2028, spending is projected to grow at a CAGR of 8.60%, reaching $6.65 billion by the forecast year.

By Global Share of Marketing Budget Spent on Influencer Marketing



According to a survey by Statista, in February 2024, more than 40% of the surveyed brands stated they have spent 26% of their marketing budget on influencer marketing. On the other hand, the lowest was recorded with 30 to 40% of companies spending 11.5% of their budgets.



As of February 2024, around the world, 14.7% of companies said they had worked with more than 1000 influencers, while the majority of brands said they had worked with 0-10 influencers. Around 48% of companies preferred to work with influencers between 10 and 1000.

Influencer Marketing Platform Size



As of 2022 and 2023, the influencer marketing platform market size was $15.2 and $17.4 billion, which is estimated to increase up to $19.8 billion in 2024 and $22.2 by 2025.

By Influencer Engagement Rates Worldwide by Follower Count



YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics 2023 state that the global engagement rate on the YouTube platform for a channel with subscribers between 100,000 to 1,000,000 is more, contributing 3.47% as compared to channels with a subscriber count of 1,000,000+, resulting in 3.4%. On the other hand, small YouTube channels with 1,000 to 5,000 subscribers have a 1.9% engagement rate.

By Leading Countries by YouTube Audience Size



As of January 2024, India had the most YouTube audience, 462 million. The United States and Brazil followed with 239 and 144 million, respectively. Other countries with less than 100 million audiences on YouTube ranked as Indonesia, Mexico, Japan, Pakistan, Germany, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

Top YouTube Influencers in 2024

  • PewDiePie – Felix Kjellberg
  • Due Perfect
  • Jenna Marbles – Jenna Mourey
  • David Dobrik
  • Liza Koshy
  • Casey Neistat
  • Emma Chamberlain
  • Markiplier – Mark Fischbach
  • Shane Dawson
  • James Charles
  • MrBeast – Jimmu Donaldson
  • Ryan’s World – Ryan Kaji
  • Rhett & Link
  • The Try Guys
  • Gabbie Hanna

How YouTube Influencer Marketing is Shaping The World? (ChatGPT)

YouTube is becoming very popular for influencer marketing. Many people now expect to see videos online because internet speeds are faster. Even though watching YouTube videos is mostly passive, people still enjoy it. Google data shows that 73% of YouTube gamers watch videos because they like watching others play games, and 56% say YouTube is where they connect with their gaming community. YouTube is also the second-largest search engine and the second-most visited site.

Why use YouTube for influencer marketing? If you understand the value of influencer marketing, you’ll see why. Influencers on social media become experts in their niche and gain followers who trust their opinions. People look to them for advice on products. With the rise of online video, YouTube influencer marketing makes sense because it reaches a large audience and the audience trusts the influencers.

YouTube is an excellent platform for influencer marketing because it has many popular channels and a formal advertising setup. Millennials and Generation Z prefer YouTube over traditional TV. Unlike other social media platforms, YouTube is like a giant TV platform, where you subscribe to channels and watch videos. Brands pay to have their ads shown on specific channels, similar to TV advertising. YouTube influencer marketing is like brands making deals with channels to promote their products without paying YouTube directly.

Fans expect influencers to be genuine and authentic, even when promoting products. That’s why unboxing videos are popular—they show what’s inside the box and whether it’s worth the money.

In conclusion, YouTube is a powerful platform for influencer marketing due to its large audience, formal advertising setup, and trust in influencers. Brands can reach their target audience effectively through genuine and authentic influencer promotions.


It is no wonder that YouTube has made many celebrities since the pandemic. This platform is beneficial not only for the general public but also for brands to advertise their products and services and reach new audiences around the world. YouTube has been the most popular platform for influencer marketing for the past 2 decades. The effectiveness of YouTube ads is more on the platform compared to other platforms as well as traditional ones.

YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics guides us on its ability to influence the overall public in no time. Thus, if you are planning to create a YouTube channel, allow yourself to brands approaching you for better reach in exchange for free products or side income.

Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he’s busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.

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YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics and Facts (2024) #YouTube #Influencer #Marketing #Statistics #Facts

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YouTube Influencer Marketing Statistics and Facts (2024)

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