YouTube Live Broadcasts Are Using Elon Musk Deepfakes To Push Cryptocurrency Scams

YouTube Live broadcasts are running for hours and making use of deepfakes to promote crypto scams.

The latest incident is said to have involved tech billionaire Elon Musk where deepfakes tricked people into assuming it was him.

While that particular is now taken down from the platform, it was revealed how a certain clip was supposed to be from an event of Tesla with AI variants of his actual voice used. It instructed people to go to a certain webpage and make bitcoin deposits. This was an incentive if they wished to take part in the giveaway.

The message continued to play on a loop and promised systems that it would send almost double the amount that they had invested.

Close to 30,000 viewers started to tune into this particular stream and pushed that to the top of the YouTube list for Live Now recommendations.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Moreover, the account which was disguised as Tesla even had little details to make it appear like it was the most authentic one out there. For instance, you’d find a verification badge featuring the Official Artist Channel so it’s like looking at account hacks.

Both videos and channels were deleted after people reached out to Google for help and clarification on this matter.

The matter is certainly alarming as explained by experts. They stated how deepfake scams of personalities like Elon Musk continue to surge over the last few months. In every instance, it makes use of accounts that make it seem like they belong to Elon Musk.

While this was related and titled with Musk’s Tesla, another one that arose this past year featured clips from his SpaceX firm when it was rolling out the Starship satellite system for the first time.

At the start of June, other reports highlighted how a similar tactic continued to be used and after that, plenty of livestreams continued to be published across Reddit. The matter is ongoing and the fact that there is a visible surge means the threat looms for those who aren’t aware of what’s going on and therefore easily fall victim to such dangerous ordeals online.

Crypto scams target followers of Musk across social media and it’s been a serious issue for so long. So many celebrities were involved as a whole. Last Friday, 50 Cent was struck where his accounts were used in another similar scam that many fell victim to, losing a huge sum of money in the end.

Read next: AI Platforms Under Fire For Scraping Data From Websites For Training Purposes

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YouTube Live Broadcasts Are Using Elon Musk Deepfakes To Push Cryptocurrency Scams #YouTube #Live #Broadcasts #Elon #Musk #Deepfakes #Push #Cryptocurrency #Scams

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YouTube Live Broadcasts Are Using Elon Musk Deepfakes To Push Cryptocurrency Scams

YouTube Live broadcasts are running for… – BLOGGER – WP1, broadcasts, Cryptocurrency, Deepfakes, Elon, live, Musk, push, scams, YouTube