eMarketer Report Shows Video Takes Center Stage on Facebook and Instagram – "facebook" – Google News

Facebook and Instagram are two of the biggest social media platforms right now. Both are under Meta Platforms umbrella and also have some combined features to facilitate the users. Meta tries so hard to add many features to these two platforms to make them fun and interactive for users. As a user of these two apps, you must have noticed that there are a lot of videos on the app, commonly referred to as reels. According to a new report by eMarketer, many of the adult users spent half of their time watching videos on Facebook last year. Users of Instagram are set to spend 60% of their total time on the app watching videos this year.

In 2024, it is predicted that adult users of Facebook are going to spend 17 minutes average of their day watching reels while they will spend 21 minutes watching videos on Instagram. So, according to eMarketer, this year users will spend 32 minutes on Facebook and 36 minutes on Instagram on average everyday. This shows how Meta is trying hard to push users to spend time on their apps. This year, it is predicted that US adults will spend 40% of their social media time on Instagram and Facebook, and this percentage is expected to grow 9.4%.

Meta is still trying to get back its market shares after they fell down to 37.4% in 2022 to 51.8% in 2019 because of TikTok. The report by eMarketer also said that users are going to spend 54 minutes everyday on average on TikTok this year.

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eMarketer Report Shows Video Takes Center Stage on Facebook and Instagram #eMarketer #Report #Shows #Video #Takes #Center #Stage #Facebook #Instagram

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Source Link: https://www.digitalinformationworld.com/2024/06/emarketer-report-shows-video-takes.html

eMarketer Report Shows Video Takes Center Stage on Facebook and Instagram - "facebook" - Google News - #FACEBOOK - BLOGGER - FACEBOOK

Facebook and Instagram are two of the biggest social media platforms right now. Both are under Meta...