Magical thinking won’t stop criminals

Magical thinking won’t stop criminals

Those who are complaining about Canadian Christopher Hughes (Chris Must List) showing Trinidad in a bad light, where are you living? Every day is a robbery, a shooting, a murder, a home invasion; businessmen are being extorted and at times kidnapped. So where are you living that you are upset over a YouTube video that is not even showing actual crimes being committed in T&T?

Those who are complaining should be asking what crime plan does the Commissioner of Police have in place, besides arresting Chris Must List?

The Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds, at the end of 2022, proceeded to get rid of an anti-gang programme called Project Building Blocks. This programme was a gang interruption one that mediated between gangs in East Port of Spain.

You get rid of a functioning programme, no problem, but turn around and put nothing in its place, and magically expect things to get better. What universe are those in charge of protecting all citizens of this country living in?

The criminals are showing us that they fear no one in law and order.

In Sunday’s papers, Ato Boldon said something very profound in relation to the state of sports. I will say this sums up our entire country:

“We are awful at self-evaluation, so we continue to try the same failing things with the same failing people and hope against hope that it works this time.”

Kelli Coombs

“Those who are complaining about Canadian Christopher Hughes (Chris Must List) showing Trinidad in a bad light, where are you living? Every day is a robbery, a shooting, a murder,…”

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Magical thinking won’t stop criminals – #Global – BLOGGER

Magical thinking won’t stop criminals Those who are complaining about Canadian Christopher Hughes (Chris Must List) showing…

Magical thinking won’t stop criminals

Those who are complaining about Canadian Christopher Hugh…