Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has announced on social media network X that he has finished filming his informative YouTube videos on game development. He had previously said that he would wrap up the videos once a new video game project came along. The news comes after various job positions at Namco Studios S and 2, which were the developers on Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, have now closed as the applicants have been chosen and notified. These new positions were specifically opened to work on Nintendo first party video games.
Sakurai has finished his YouTube series, had said he’d wrap things up to work on upcoming project #Sakurai #finished #YouTube #series #hed #wrap #work #upcoming #project
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Sakurai has finished his YouTube series, had said he’d wrap things up to work on upcoming project – “youtube” – Google News – #YOUTUBE – BLOGGER
Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has announced on social media network X that he has finished filming…
Smash Bros. creator Masahiro Sakurai has announced on social media network X that he has finis…