Goodbye, Cookies Deprecation: Google Ends It

The Gist

  • Google’s shift in cookie policy. Google has reversed its decision to end Chrome web cookies tracking, opting instead for a new experience that allows users to make informed choices about their browsing privacy.
  • Privacy Sandbox continues. Despite the change in cookie policy, Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiative remains active, focusing on improving online privacy while maintaining an ad-supported internet ecosystem.
  • Ongoing regulatory feedback. Google’s updated approach is shaped by feedback from regulators, publishers, and industry participants, aiming to support a competitive marketplace with enhanced privacy technologies and additional privacy controls in Chrome.

Come again, Google?

The search giant will not end Chrome web cookies tracking after all. Delays, more delays, more delays and … abandonment. That summarizes Google’s third-party cookie deprecation game plan the last four years (with the idea coming about in 2020).

In a blog post today, Google’s VP of Privacy Sandbox Anthony Chavez said instead of deprecating third-party cookies, “we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time. We’re discussing this new path with regulators, and will engage with the industry as we roll this out.”

Is that even official? We WOULD introduce? Seems like another noncommittal commitment. We shall see.

“We are proposing an updated approach that elevates user choice,” Chavez wrote.

There it is, again: Proposal. Marketers, prepare for having to do more preparation in light of changes. 

Google initially said the phaseout of third-party cookies web tracking in Chrome — where marketers and brands can track internet consumer behavior and serve up targeted advertisements and content —  would end Chrome cookies tracking by 2022. It then delayed cookies deprecation to late 2023, then again to late 2024. And then again, setting up an early 2025 end date, as Google promised in April of this year

And now, as of today, never? 

It was all part of the Privacy Sandbox effort, a 2019 initiative which is still alive today, just without the cookies deprecation for now.

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Goodbye, Cookies Deprecation: Google Ends It #Goodbye #Cookies #Deprecation #Google #Ends

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The Gist Google’s shift in cookie policy. Google has reversed its decision to en… – BLOGGER – WP3, cookies, deprecation, Ends, goodbye, Google