Residents worry how Google data center air pollutants will impact health at IDEM public hearing

FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) — Monday, the Indiana Department of Environmental Management or IDEM hosted a public hearing to discuss air quality concerns with the Google Data Center.

The meeting is a step in the process of an application for the property to be approved that would allow backup diesel generators to be used.

The meeting, held Monday at Ivy Tech Community College-Coliseum Campus Building, gave residents the opportunity to submit written comments, ask questions and discuss concerns about air pollution in regards to the backup generators mentioned in the permit.

Many residents at the meeting had similar worries, about how the air pollutants will affect their health.

Jorge Fernandez, a concerned citizen, said his main concerns come down to the health of the neighbors.

“I want them to be good neighbors, regardless of what happens,” Fernandez said. “There are alternatives to backup generators, that as far as health effects is one of the worst options they [Google] can go with.”

Gina Burgess, a public advocate, felt that while the meeting was productive, it ultimately revealed not much can be done moving forward.

“Honestly it’s a little unnerving,” said Burgess. “If it is a substance that they [IDEM] cannot regulate, there’s no containment.”

Burgess said that she was ultimately disappointed by the lack of attendance from Hatchworks LLC, Google and the elected officials who voted on the project.

In the Citizens Summary, given out at the meeting Monday, IDEM did clarify that they, “do not have legal authority to regulate zoning, odor or noise” during the ongoing construction. IDEM can only decide on the permit in regard to how Hatchworks LLC fits within federal and state air emission laws.

After Monday’s meeting, IDEM will continue to accept public comment until July 8. Those who were not able to attend the meeting but would like to submit public comments can email [email protected] with reference to the permit number 003-47378-00530.

After receiving all comments IDEM will issue a decision on whether the permit has been issued or denied.

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Residents worry how Google data center air pollutants will impact health at IDEM public hearing #Residents #worry #Google #data #center #air #pollutants #impact #health #IDEM #public #hearing

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FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) — Monday, the Indiana Department of Environmental … – BLOGGER – WP3, air, Center, data, Google, Health, hearing, IDEM, Impact, pollutants, Public, Residents, worry