Google Introduces Gemini AI Upgrades to Gmail and Chat – Video

Speaker 1: Let me start by showing you three new capabilities coming to Gmail Mobile. This is my Gmail account. Okay. There’s an email up top from my husband. Help me sort out the roof repair thing, please. Now we’ve been trying to find a contractor to fix our roof and with work travel, I have clearly dropped the ball. It looks like there’s an email Fred on this with lots of emails that I haven’t read, [00:00:30] and luckily for me, I can simply tap the summarize option up top and skip reading this long back and forth. Now, Gemini pulls up this helpful mobile card as an overlay, and this is where I can read a nice summary of all the salient information that I need to know. So I see here that we have a quote from Jeff at Green Roofing and he’s ready to start. Now, I know we had other bids and I don’t remember the details [00:01:00] previously.

Speaker 1: I would’ve had to do a number of searches in Gmail and then remember and compare information across different emails. Now I can simply type out my question right here in the mobile card and say something like, compare my roof repair bids by price and availability. This new q and a feature makes it so easy to get quick answers on anything in my inbox. For example, when are my shoes arriving or what time do doors open for the next game [00:01:30] without having to first search Gmail? Then open the email and then look for the specific information and attachments and so on. Anyway, back to my roof. It looks like Gemini has found details that I got from two other contractors in completely different email threads, and I have this really nicely organized summary and I can do a quick comparison. So it seems like Jeff’s quote was right in the middle.

Speaker 1: You can start immediately. So Green Roofing it is, I’ll open that last email from Jeff and confirm [00:02:00] the project and look at that. I see some suggested replies from Gemini. Now, what is really, really neat about this evolution of smart reply is that it’s contextual. Gemini understood the back and forth in that thread and that Jeff was ready to start. So offers me a few customized options based on that context. So here I see I have declined the service, suggest a new time. I’ll choose proceed and confirm time. [00:02:30] I can even see a preview of the full reply simply by long pressing, this looks reasonable. So I’ll hit send. These new capabilities in Gemini and Gmail will start rolling out this month to labs users. Now, as we look to 2025 and beyond, we’re exploring entirely new ways of working with ai. Now with Gemini, you have an AI powered assistant always at your side.

Speaker 1: But what if you could [00:03:00] expand how you interact with ai? For example, when we work with other people, we mention them in comments and docs, or we send them emails, we have group chats with them, et cetera, and it’s not just how we collaborate with each other or we each have a specific role to play in the team. And as the team works together, we build a set of collective experiences and context to learn from each other. We have the combined set of skills to draw [00:03:30] from when we need help. So how could we introduce AI into this mix and build on this shared expertise? Well, here’s one way. We are prototyping a virtual Gemini powered teammate. This teammate has an identity, a workspace account along with a specific role and objective. Let me bring Tony up to show you what I mean. Hey, Tony

Speaker 2: Heyna.

Speaker 2: [00:04:00] Hey everyone. Okay, so let me start by showing you how we set up this virtual teammate. As you can see, the teammate has this very own account and we can go ahead and give it a name. We’ll do something fun like chip chip’s. Been given a specific job role at the set of descriptions on how to be helpful for the team. You can see that here and some of the jobs are to monitor and track projects. We’ve listed a few out to organize information and [00:04:30] provide context and a few more things. Now that we’ve configured our virtual teammate, let’s go ahead and see Chip in action. To do that, I’ll switch us over here to Google Chat. First. When planning for an event like io, we have a ton of chat rooms for various purposes. Luckily for me, chip is in all of them. To quickly catch up, I might ask a question like Anyone know if our IO storyboards are approved?

Speaker 2: [00:05:00] Because we’ve instructed Chip to track this project, chip searches across all the conversations and knows respond with an answer there. It is simple, but very helpful. Now, as the team adds chip to more group chats, more files, more email threads, chip builds a collective memory of our work together. Let’s look at an example to show you. I’ll switch over to a different room. How about Project Sapphire over here? And here we are discussing a product release [00:05:30] coming up and as usual mini pieces are still in flight. So I can go ahead and ask, are we on track for launch?

Speaker 2: Chip gets to work not only searching through everything it has access to, but also synthesizing what’s found and coming back with an up-to-date response. There it is a clear timeline, a nice summary and notice even in this first message here, chip flags a potential issue the team should be aware of. [00:06:00] Because we’re in a group space, everyone can follow along. Anyone can jump in at any time. As you see someone just did asking Chip to help create a doc to help address the issue, a task like this could take me hours, dozens of hours. Chip can get all done in just a few minutes, sending the doc over right when it’s ready. And so much of this practical helpfulness comes from how we’ve customized CHIP to our team’s needs, and how seamlessly this AI is integrated [00:06:30] directly into where we’re already working. I.

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Google Introduces Gemini AI Upgrades to Gmail and Chat – Video #Google #Introduces #Gemini #Upgrades #Gmail #Chat #Video

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Google Introduces Gemini AI Upgrades to Gmail and Chat Speaker 1: … – BLOGGER – WP3, chat, Gemini, Gmail, Google, Introduces, Upgrades, Video